Introduction. Four Decades of Independence: The Multiple Cultures of Portuguese-speaking Africa


  • Phillip Rothwell University of Oxford
  • Ana Maria Martinho Universidade Nova de Lisboa



Introduction to the special issue on Lusophone African literature and cultures.

Author Biographies

Phillip Rothwell, University of Oxford

Phillip Rothwell is the King John II Professor of Portuguese in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages. He specializes in the literatures and cultures of Portugal and Lusophone Africa. He favours psychoanalytic theory as a tool to furthering our understanding of Portuguese culture and its imperial aftermaths. An authority on the Mozambican writer Mia Couto and the Angolan author Pepetela, his current research focuses on disavowal as a structuring discourse in Portuguese colonialism.

Ana Maria Martinho, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Ana Maria Martinho is Professor Auxiliar com Agregação in the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She specializes in Lusophone African Literature.


