Quem escreve é o corpo: entrevista a Ana Marques Gastão

  • Susana L.M. Antunes University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Keywords: Portugal, poetry, body, motion, metamorphosis


Poet, essayist, literary critic, researcher, Ana Marques Gastão (b. 1962) is coordinator of the review Colóquio-Letras of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. She was also cultural journalist in the Diário Popular and in the Diário de Notíciasfor more than 20 years. Translated into several languages, her writings reveal the dense and profound harmony of universal movements. In O falar dos poetas, she writes: “Questionar é não poder agir sem a resistência do autor até que a circulação do pensamento inunde a gramática da interrogação e o contagie” (7). In the interview transcribed here, the discovery of words’ thinking movement also occurs.  
