Luanda and Maputo: Accounts of the Two Capitals in Urban Heritage Discourse

  • Walter Rossa Universidade de Coimbra
Keywords: Luanda, Maputo, Urban studies, Colonial architecture, Heritages of Portuguese influence


From the perspective of urban studies, this article provides an account of the evolution and heritages of Luanda and Maputo. Drawing on notions of capitalness and heritages of Portuguese influence, the article argues for a reconciliation with the legacies of material culture and their intergration into the daily imaginary of post-independence Mozambique and Angola.

Author Biography

Walter Rossa, Universidade de Coimbra
Walter Rossa is professor in the Department of Architecture at the Universidade de Coimbra. His publications include A cidade portuguesaHistória da Arte Portuguesa and Indo-Portuguese Cities: A Contribution to the Study of Portuguese Urbanism in Western Hindustan.