Recitações: Bandolim de Adília Lopes

  • Diana Duarte Ferreira Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Keywords: projet d'ensemble, critical poetry, paronomasia, binomial, representability


Borrowing the notion of “projet d’ensemble” from Roland Barthes’s Critique et verité, this essay proposes a critical analysis of Adília Lopes’s Bandolim (2016). Two of the procedures that configure the book’s interior are outlined on the cover: text as sound and text as image. The metaphor of the mandolin and its performative demands relates to Eliot’s ideas about tradition and individuality and describes Lopes’s approach to poetry. Through a close reading of poems in the collection, I argue that Bandolim performs on the infinity of unity while representing the unity of infinity.
