African Anti-Colonialism and the <em>Ultramarinos</em> of the <em>Casa dos Estudantes do Império</em>


  • Alexandra Reza Oxford University



<em>Mensagem</em>, Liberation, Amílcar Cabral, Frantz Fanon, Poetry


In this article, I examine the "space between" occupied by students at the Casa dos Estudantes do Império, a crucial nexus for independence campaigns in Lusophone Africa. Drawing on readings of the Casa’s journal, Mensagem, I argue that the students saw political affiliation as a constant movement between formulations of "home" and "the world." I situate this dilaectical approach in the context of Portuguese fascism, paying particular attention to the political poetry published in Mensagem, and analyzing the ways in which members of the Casa imagined their relationship to other African anti-colonial movements.

Author Biography

Alexandra Reza, Oxford University

Alexandra Reza is a doctoral student in Medieval and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford. She holds an MPhil in International Relations and has publshed articles in the London Review of Books, Le Monde Diplomatique, and The Economist.


