Sá, Lúcia. Life in the Megalopolis: Mexico City and São Paulo. London and New York: Routledge, 2007.

  • Christopher Larkosh University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth


At the start of her latest book, Lúcia Sá explains the intellectual trajectory that led her to a study of the Latin American megacities of Mexico City and São Paulo by way of Mário de Andrade’s Macunaíma: “in order to recover his muiraquitã, the eponymous Mário de Andrade traveled from one end of Brazil to the other, the Amazon to São Paulo, and in a sense, having completed Rain Forest Literatures (2004), this is what I have attempted to do in this study” (x). Such a work, following one on the literatures of the Amazon, underscores Sá’s admirable commitment to exploring the literary and cultural extremes of her native Brazil, while at the same time incorporating other materials that make a more comparative discussion with internal indigenous cultural elements or other Latin American societies possible.
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