Marson, Izabel Andrade. Política, história e método em Joaquim Nabuco: tessituras da revolução e da escravidão. EDUFU, 2008.
Over the last five years, a small group of academic dissertations have returned to studies of Joaquim Nabuco, offering new angles of analysis to situate and contextualize this statesman and abolitionist’s life and writings. Izabel Andrade Marson’s Política, história e método em Joaquim Nabuco: tessituras da revolução e da escravidão, a revised version of her tese de livre-docência for the Department of History of UNICAMP, focuses on Nabuco’s analysis of “revolution” and “slavery” in Um Estadista no Império and O Abolicionismo, as well as his trajectory as a politician and historian, providing perspective on the formulation and revision of his interpretations over time and according to situation.